2023 Session Update: Week 7

2023 Session Update: Week 7

The House of Delegates adjourned sine die (Latin for no appointed date for resumption) on Saturday, February 25th after completing most of our work. This 46-day legislative session saw a wide host of issues come before the General Assembly for consideration....

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2023 Session Update: Week 1

2023 Session Update: Week 1

Dear Friend, The 2023 General Assembly session is officially underway! The 46-day session officially started this past Wednesday at noon. Our first few days are always a bit like syllabus week at college–getting reacquainted and preparing for the tasks ahead. I do...

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End of December Update

End of December Update

Dear Friend, That’s a wrap for 2022! I have thoroughly enjoyed my first year in the House of Delegates and the ability to serve my community in a new way. I am confident that great things are in store for the new year! In this final update of 2022, I wanted to recap...

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End of November Update

End of November Update

Dear Friend, December has finally arrived! As we start this final month of the year, I wanted to take a few minutes of your time to update you on what took place in November. Because there is still a fair amount of work in progress, this will be a shorter update than...

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End of October Update

End of October Update

Dear Friend, Happy Halloween! I hope you’re enjoying the cooler temperatures as much as I am. As we have reached the end of the month, I wanted to update you on a few things that took place this past month and offer some important election reminders. I hope you find...

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End of August Update

End of August Update

Dear Friend, It’s been a busy month as summer winds up and the new school year begins. I continue to work on your behalf, preparing for the upcoming legislative session and attending events important to our district. In this end of month update, I’d like to share with...

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End of July Update

End of July Update

Dear Friend, With the end of summer rapidly approaching, I wanted to share a quick end-of-month update with you. While the next legislative session may seem like a ways off (we’ll convene in January), I am busy doing preliminary work on several potential bills. I will...

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End of June Update

End of June Update

Dear Friend, The end of June is here and summer is in full swing. In just a few days time, we will once again have the opportunity to celebrate our nation’s independence. I am often reminded at this time of the men and women I served with the Air Force who made the...

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Important State Budget Update

Important State Budget Update

Dear Friend, On Friday, the House and Senate met in Richmond to continue our work on the state budget. As you remember from my recent email on this subject, the legislature passed a compromise budget on June 1st that contained $4 billion in tax cuts for Virginians. In...

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